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Jaws Criddler On The Roof

Feb 2015 by Route One

His knees may well turn to dust before his 30th birthday but there is no denying Birdhouse Skateboards’ resident lemming Aaron ‘Jaws’ Homoki is having fun jumping down some of the biggest gaps skateboarding has ever seen.

Mere weeks after the release of his Dekline ‘True Blue’ part comes this homies video that pretty much exclusively deals with jumping off of buildings. Who doesn’t like that?

The modern skater, dealing with the constant stream of content provided by the emergence of the world wide web, has to market themselves almost daily; be it parts like this, Instagram clips or working towards the traditional video part. AYC sponsored Jaws is riding the crest of the information age wave and looks to be having the best time doing it – and as well he should if he only has a few years left with those knees of his!

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