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Aug 2017 by Route One

Well, didn't this catch us all by surprise! We knew it was due to drop at some point but New Balance Alpha Numeric really pulled a doozy by releasing their brand new clip unceremoniously on Vimeo, meaning the joys of brand new PJ and Westgate footage became the most startlingly pleasant experience of our Monday evening!

Clocking in at over twenty minutes and including at least one trick from the entire team (even if it's just a bit of flat ground), the video 'proper' kicks off with Zero ripper Franky Villani who keeps things equal parts trendy, equal parts tech Mosher; a combo like that in this day and age is every much as bit a winner as you'd expect!

Following on from the Santa Ana burler (and a good old fashioned team montage) is former Cliché technician and Lyon ledge aficionado Flo Mirtain, bringing the level of flip based precision prowess we've all come to demand. Another team montage fills a few more minutes before we get on to what we're all really interested in; the first new Phillip John Ladd part in a decade. Click play to witness history in the making!


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