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Sidewalk X Adidas Touring

Feb 2015 by Route One

At some point around the summer time of 2014 Sidewalk magazine and adidas decided to work on a project named 'Touring', the idea was to take different selections of the UK adidas skate team and head to various destinations around the UK... And film the happenings of course!

From crusty tidal barriers, perfect ledge spots, hidden D.I.Y, even down to riverside pole jams, these guys clocked up the motorway miles and smashed them all to produce this 10 minute master piece filmed and edited by a Mr Ryan Gray.

Featuring the likes of Route One team rider Craig Benson, Domas Glatkauskas, Darius Trabalza and the rest 3 stripe ambassadors this is for sure one you should watch at least 3 times...

Sidewalk x adidas Skateboarding - Touring a Skateboarding video by Sidewalk

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