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Lakai in Bristol for the Lakai Bristol

Mar 2018 by Route One

Lakai Footwear have a bit of a history when it comes to naming their shoes after the towns of this sceptered Isle, in fact it almost seems a bit of an obsession for them. The 'Manchester' was a staple of their line for a good few years, the 'Telford' even came in a Blueprint colourway and who can forget the infamous Mike Carroll 'Weston-Super-Mare'? Ok, we're pulling your leg with the last one but our point still stands!


Anyway, the latest release to follow this great trend is the Lakai Bristol so it seemed only fitting that the UK release was paired with the UK team hitting up that most famous of skate cities and sharing with us a video of them doing their best at tearing some legendary spots a proverbial new one!


Featuring Matthew 'Nev' Nevitt, Henry Fox, Pete Johns and Lucas Healey, this short but sweet clip from long time friend of Route One Rohum Pourtahmashi shows the crew throwing everything they have at the infamous M32 DIY, Daveside, that BMX track that keeps popping up in south western edits and the ever amazing Campus Skate Park. 


Sidewalk mag also has a little write up featuring stellar photography from our own James Griffiths too so hit that up, check out the pics and the edit and then maybe have a look at the shoe too. And who knows, if we're really lucky, the Carroll 'Weston Super Mare' might one day become a reality; we can certainly dream!

Check it out here

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