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Sam Beckett Leo's Bowl Monster - Blind #DamnEdits

Aug 2016 by Route One

Route One rider and golden boy Sam Beckett is an unstoppable force of skateboard nature, and has just produced this #damnedit with Ride channel and Blind Skateboards

After winning gold at X-Games this year and producing countless amounts of content for Thrasher magazine, Ride channel, The Berrics, The Skateboard Mag and many, many more, Sam has been working hard at pumping himself up the popularity scale quickly becoming a house hold name across the planet.

Usually found globe trotting from country to country Sam managed to sneak in some time at a backyard concrete bowl and the humongous DC/Monster vert ramp in San Diego. 

Hit the play button to witness Sam munch a water melon, and nonchalantly shut down some trasition gold with pals from across the pond!

Ever seen a deliberate backsmith/backlip? Didn't think so...                                        


Follow us on instagram: @stew_bacca @route_one @jimmy_wilkins 

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