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The 440 by Tom Knox

Feb 2023 by Route One

"If music be the food of love, play on" wrote Shakespeare in Twelfth Night.  We're reckon we can refresh that for the modern era, so entertain our hubris paraphrasing the Bard if you will:

"If style be the essence of skateboarding, push on (Tom Knox)."

Nailed it!

Essentially a mini Atlantic Drift fashioned into an advert for New Balance Numeric shoes, filmed as it is by Jacob Harris, Tom Knox reminds us of everything we ever wanted skateboarding to be as he escapes the grimness of British wintertime to roost in the Sicilian sun. Impossibly long lines, cheeky two pieces, fast footwork and foreign climes, all on the dime of his footwear sponsor; is there a better dream for a skateboarder from this oft' parochial isle? We think not.

Push on (Tom Knox), push on.

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