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Walker Ryan: ABD NYC

May 2017 by Route One

Walker Ryan is one of those names afforded that most humbling of accolades: "the skater's skater." Massively underrated in terms of the public eye and currently without a board sponsor, St Helena CA native Walker is the archetypal and obvious choice of favourite for his peers; his ability and eye for a trick is second to none and his flawless style remains the envy of many. 

That little bit of word based adulation brings us perfectly on to his latest clip, appropriately titled ABD NYC given his proclivity to knock out a selection of tribute/"cover" manoeuvres, all set to an already used song. Don't let that put you off however, this is seriously solid skateboarding all filmed in that most aesthetically pleasing of cities. Throw in a Frankie Spears and Nestor Judkins cameo or two and you're properly on to a winner. 

Word on the message boards is Walker may well be about to receive boards from the freshly launched SOVRN brand, which we really hope is true. There's no denying the ego boost being "the skater's skater" must bring but it doesn't pay the bills, Walker has been killing it for long enough now he deserves a little remuneration for his efforts, so let's all keep our fingers crossed for him!

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