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Anti Hero's "Moigle Splatter" Video

Apr 2015 by Route One

The Antihero crew consisting of, Grant Taylor, Andrew Allan, Frank Gewer, Robbie Russo, Tony Trujillo and more headed out to Israel to explore it's vastness and generally get up to no good in their traditional way to produce 'Anti Hero's "Moigle Splatter" Video'.

When you think of Israel the most common thoughts to pop into your head are; the old infrastructure, blazing hot weather and the Gaza strip... Well you're not wrong, but there is also an incredibly strong skate scene, insane street spots and even more ridiculous skate parks which on par with the American standard.

This edit caters all of that, beer wizard staff, howling, cat sex, throwing up, getting gnarly and generally being punky aesthetic that you have come to expect from Antihero.

So pull up a pew and watch this half hour delight!


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