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Best Female Skate Sections Of All Time?

Feb 2014 by Route One

You can’t fail to have noticed that a couple of weeks ago we added legendary Bradfordian ripper Lois Pendlebury to the Route One Skate Team. You are probably also aware that for a number of years London based Sam Bruce was a big part of what we do.

Basically, girls always have and will continue to rip on board and to celebrate this Cooler Magazine have put together an online compilation of what they feel to be the best 11 sections by girls skaters ever.

Lacey Baker is in the mix, so is Elissa (twice!) and obviously Jenna Selby’s fantastic full length vid ‘As if and What’ (which features our own Lois) is up there in its entirety.

So, who has “the best” section? The only way to find out is to click the picture of Lois getting rad below!


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