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Bronze 56k ***Trust***

Mar 2015 by Route One

Can you sit through all 28 minutes of this? Well that all depends on which side of the fence you sit! For some the lo-fi New York experience produced by the creative minds over at Bronze Hardware is as raw and as good as skateboard film making gets right now, for others it is poorly filmed average skating in an over saturated city – this really is proper “marmite” stuff!

What is certain, regardless of which way your opinions sway, is that this video contains Shawn Powers best footage in a very long time. It also illustrates that a varial flip, in the right hands, can be a thing of immense beauty; who knew!?!

As we said in the opening paragraph this video is as likely to get you stoked to high heaven as it is to leave you cold; regardless though it is definitely worthy of your time - this approach is a big movement in the current state of US skateboarding and is as important to the zeitgeist as Nyjah winning another Street League stop. And who knows, you may well adore it.

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