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Daniel Lebron 'Titus'

Apr 2022 by Route One
The late 90s / early 00s Barcelona scene birthed some of the greatest technical skaters the world has ever known and whilst everyone and their dog knows about the likes of Jesus and Javi, Daniel Lebron never really got his shine.

Those who knew knew of course; if you were watching Puzzle videos and paying attention to the Euro scene his was a name you were more than familiar with. But legit US board sponsorship and coverage? That was never really forthcoming. Which is a shame as this vid of Dani still absolutely destroying it at age 46 proves!

Knocking out long lines that include perfectly balanced 5.0 shuvit heels is PJ Ladd or Suciu territory, for a nearly fifty year old bloke to be casually putting it down is no joke what-so-ever. So click play on this and remind yourself you've still got decades left to skate, even if you're as long in the tooth as Mr Lebron himself!

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