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Dashawn Jordan 'Radar' Part

Jan 2017 by Route One

Truth be told, depending on your mindset, you've either already seen this Dashawn Jordan Berrics hosted part numerous time, or you're tried to convince yourself it didn't exist. The Nike SB and Diamond Supply Co backed young man from Chandler Arizona, is arguably the first of 'Generation Street League' to make a big name for himself, and those who aren't fans of the 'quantification & sportification' of skateboarding, may well have dismissed his ability without even giving him the time of day.

The fact of the matter is, anyone who can lazer flip Hollywood High 16 that clean is a skateboarding animal of the highest order and is certainly worthy of your time, regardless of which generation he grew up in. Skateboarding always moves, progresses and morphs into new dimensions and with ability the heights of which Dashawn's reaches, it's going to go places few of us could ever have dreamed possible! 

The aforementioned lazer flip is only the start of the madness too; one of the gnarliest hardflips we've seen outside a Chris Joslin part graces our screens early on and legit ditch skating complements his almost other-worldly ability on stairs and rails. If you haven't watched this yet then we implore you to do so; Dashawn isn't some skate park kid unworthy of your attention, he's a grade A ripper here to shake things up. Get involved with it it now!

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