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Dennis Busenitz 'Up To Speed'

Nov 2016 by Route One

Dennis Busenitz burst onto the skate scene back in a time when the handrail chomper was king. If you weren't feeble grinding a twenty stair in spray on jeans then you simply didn't matter. Real Skateboards' ripper Dennis changed all that.

He reintroduced an approach that is still revered and widely copied to this day, attacking all and sundry in his way be it kerb cut, hill bomb or ledge, all at a hundred miles an hour and all just for the love of playing on his skateboard. Fashions and flare were never needed with Dennis, by simply skating as fast as he could he followed that old beloved cliche and let his skateboarding do the talking.

This brand new documentary, released by adidas to celebrate his ten years with the brand, chronicles his life on a skateboard and also re-emphasizes his insane capabilities; not only is he at home on those fabled San Franciscan hills but his ability to bring a technical approach to skating at such speed is one of the rarest beasts ever known on skateboarding circles. You don't get compared to Huf and Cardiel at the drop of a hat after all! Well, unless your name is Dennis Busenitz. 

Watch and get inspired, Dennis knows how it's done...

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