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Oct 2018 by Route One

Well would you look at that, Girl are back!

Now obviously the most legitimate brand in skateboarding didn't actually go anywhere but, after the bloated steady-cam filled snooze fest that was Pretty Sweet, the Girl team has once again found its mojo in the shape of their brand new release 'Doll. '

Though it doesn't quit fit the strict requirements we've just made up to make it a full length, parts from Niels Bennett and Griffin Gass, a near full section from an injury free and fully re-invigorated Sean Malto, Manchild and Simon Banerot sharing a couple of songs and appearances from pretty much the rest of the roster mean this is one hell of a web release by anybody's standards!

Of course the filming is on point, the music near perfect and the editing captures the legitimate fun this crew obviously has together but you knew that already; Girl have produced the best videos this industry has ever seen so when they put their mind to it you know they can do it right. And do it right they certainly have - get watching this, it's bloomin' ace!

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