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Nike SB 'Trust Fall'

Jul 2019 by Route One

What do you get when you get one of the most in demand filmers of the modern era, a camera he doesn't really like and bunch of skaters so cool Andre 3000 would describe them as "Ice Cold?" Nike SB's Trust Fall, that's what.

A quick note for the filming nerds here: word has it Jake Harris was given a certain set of instructions as to what the cinematic "goal" for this piece was and, if that was pretty much an amalgam between his style and that of Bill Stroebeck, we have to say it's on the money. It's definitely a marmite piece and a clear step away from his usual approach (seen more noticeably in this week's Mike Arnold clip) but he's a very capable filmer so, regardless of trends, he still does a fine job.

Of course the crux of the matter is the skateboarding itself. Casper Brooker and Kyron Davies prove yet again British boys can merk it on the world stage, Daan Van Der Linden continues to blow minds, Donovan Piscopo does his best Chachi impression (Google Happy Days, you'll see what we mean), Sean Malto looks to be having the most fun on a board he's had in years and Blake Carpenter is amazing but doesn't fit in at all. 

That's kind of all there is to it. Its a great vid, you'll enjoy it and, if you haven't seen it yet, you probably wanna click that play button now. So (just) do it!

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