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Salba and the Strange History of Mt. Baldy

Oct 2022 by Route One

"You come to Baldy you gotta jump the pit motherf*cker"

Out through the tunnel in the San Bernadino hills spills the echo of Steve Alba's words; if you want to skate the world-famous Mt Baldy full pipe then jumping the 10ft gap to get in is a rite of passage.

First discovered by adventurous stoners back in 1969, then visited by pioneering skaters Wally Inouye and Waldo Autry in the early 70's, the trail up to Baldy itself has served as a proving ground for generations and this brilliant little look into Steve Alba's relationship with the iconic reservoir overflow from Santa Cruz is every bit entertaining as it is educational.

Still jumping the pit to get his fill at 59 years old, there really is no arguing with the man. As Salba says, if you wanna skate Baldy then you've gotta earn the right!

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