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Max Wittrick



When it comes to riding Max is clinical! We first saw Max lapping The Snow Centre dome back when he was 15-16 years old, before he grew taller than everyone else on the team, even Si, and he was hands down the best rider in the dome. Since then he finished school, got more time to ride and went on his first season getting to lap Absolut Park all winter long as well as going on some street trips. He's now officially 'insanely good' on a snowboard. Everything is 'bolts', everything is 100% style with Max. 
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Your go-to Route One clothing?

My go-to’s are the jeans for sure, They last forever and super comfortable!! Favourite skate trousers!

Preferred terrain to ride?

Usually if I’m in a resort I’ll tend to head to the park, but if it’s dumped I’ll skip it and have a dreamy day in the clouds.

Favourite resort?

Flachau, Austria no question, did my first season there and Absolut park is insane, holds a lot of good memories!!

Tell us a story from one of your shred trips?

One time I got on the back of a skidoo to get back to the top of a jump we were sessioning, and the person sat in front of me was the man himself Halldor Helgason!! I was so stoked, but I dropped my snowboard on the way up and had to jump off to get it! Have never been so embarrassed in my life. He must have though I was a proper kook.

Homies you like to ride with the most?

I love to shred with anyone who just wants to have a good time on their board!! My main shred buddy’s though are Harvey Causer, Harry Winnard, any of the riders from Tamworth and Chill Factore!! Super fun guys!!

If you could have the style of any rider who would it be?

I aspire to look like Jake Kuzyk when I shred. Best steez going.

What board do you ride? 

I ride the 2021 Burton process, super versatile, don’t have to adjust it at all whether I’m riding park, street, pow or anything! Also the graphic is sick, it’s got a bear on it called Gary and we go shred together all the time.

Where and how did you first start riding? 

First time I ever went snowboarding was in a place called Sauze d’Oulx in Italy. My auntie was doing seasons so we went to go and see her, finally gave up with the skis and haven’t looked back since.

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