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Adidas 'Far And Away' - Episode 1

May 2016 by Route One

We can not wait to see this adidas 'Away days' video which will be premiering in London on the 17th of May at the Prince Charles theatre on Leicester sqaure. Featuring the likes of Miles Silvas, Rodrigo TX, Alec Majerus, Mark Gonzales, Silas Baxter Neal, Jake Donnelly, Pete Eldridge, Kevin Lowry, Dennis Durrant, Dennis Busenitz, Gunes Ozdogan, Raul Navarro, Klaus Bohms, Lucas Puig, Benny Fairfax, Nestor Judkins, Mark Suciu, Lem Villemin, Nakel Smith, Tyshawn Jones, Jack Fardell and Chewy Cannon.

And to give you a glimpse of the immensity of traveling, filming hours, dedication and effort that goes in to such a production adidas have made a small series of behind the scenes footage of the crew heading out to different locations across the globe in order to finish the mammoth challenge.
The first episode delves in to what the team think is essential whilst traveling around the globe, in particularly Jake Donnelly's jam box, inspiring his team mates with decent music, or driving them insane with the worst trap music money can purchase.
Press play to watch this highly comical episode and stay tuned for part two...

Also hit play on the full trailer, it's bonkers!

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