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Karsten Kleppan Thrasher 'Rough Cut'

Jan 2019 by Route One

It might be a brand new year but, as the old adage goes, if it ain't broke there's no need to fix it so Thrasher is right back at you with yet another of their 'Rough Cut' series, showing the extended versions of some of the best recent parts.

This time around it's Nike SB and Skate Mental's Oslo connection Karsten Kleppan, showcasing his powerhouse approach in the time honoured tradition of a raw, music free edit and wow, does this make us appreciate the hison board insanity even more!

Back in November, when the 'Just Karsten' clip first premiered and so many of the clips ended up being shared by all and sundry over social media, we have to admit we were blown away by much of the skating involved. But now, given that second or two longer to really take in the magnitude of the tricks and manouevres he performs, well there simply isn't a superlative strong enough to express the radness of this entire piece. Some people were just born to rip and Karsten is one of them; the lad just has it like that.

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