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Redbull - Skating Atlantis The Palm Dubai’s Waterpark

Apr 2016 by Route One

Well this definitely looks like one of the funnest concoctions of skate terrain you could ever grace with a four wheeled wooden whizz plank...

We have all dreamed of skating one these rarely seen Tony Hawk Pro Skater type skate spots you see crop up in some sort of viral form every blue moon, and of course the only place on Earth you would find this sort of thing would be in Dubai.
Neither Redbull nor the Emirati are afraid of going the extra mile to produce or create something that blows your mind away, whether it's huge video production or shutting down and draining the Atlantis Palm island water park, they will make it a reality.

Whilst out in Gran Canaria last December we managed to stumble upon an abandoned water park, we couldn't believe our luck, but comparing it to Aqua Atlantis, the Palm Island water park is just in another league of it's own.

Alex Sorgente, Milton Martinez and Jan Hoffmann were lucky enough to be flown over to the United Emirates to session the drained water park for a day whilst engineers carried out their annual once over of the rides.
Watch below on awe of the gigantic banks, full pipes and shear drop whippy flumes...


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