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Set In Stone

Feb 2012 by Route One

EMERICA, CARHARTT & KINGPIN present SET IN STONE …a project devoted to the culture of DIY spot building.

"Emerica, Carhartt and Kingpin Magazine teamed up and sent out builder crews and riders to various DIY spots all over Europe; mixing concrete, putting dreams into effect, setting them in stone.

Covering locations as distant as Berlin, Germany; Brescia, Italy; Shefield, England and Helsinki, Finland the outcome is as versatile as the different countries, as facetted as the people in skateboarding and as manifold as the things they like to skate.

Documenting all the beauty – all the sick spots, all the pouring, all the mud sweat and beers – plus much more, how-to's, the tools of the trade and of course some rad skating, Kingpin made an exclusive DIY issue (out now) and some fine edits."

We present you part 1/4. Filmed in Berlin / Germany.

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