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Over 80,000 5 star reviews
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Apr 2018 by Route One

Tyler 'Squints' Imel is pretty much what most street skaters used to be. Well, before PJ Ladd changed the game in 2002 and everyone realised where things were headed. Not blessed with a whole load of ability, but passion and desire by the bucket load, Squints is pretty much the poster boy for those of us who love skateboarding more than life itself but are not exactly gonna be challenging Shane O'Neill's consistency level any time soon.


And it's with this in mind that his self-funded ascension to the "professional" ranks should be celebrated by the rest of us. Sure it's cheesy as hell to start up your own brand with the sole intention of giving yourself a board if nobody else will, but sometimes you just have to laugh off the criticism, shout balls to the naysayers and do your own thing. 


And that's exactly what Squints as done here. His love for skateboarding is such he simply had to give himself a board if for no other reason than "why the hell not?" He goes in hard with the accompanying part an the hype he brings is certainly infectious - the guys at the Berrics are backing him fully and you know that ain't happening unless the dude fully deserves it...

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