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Andrew Reynolds: The R1 Interview

May 2013 by Route One

Reynolds, The Boss, Drew, Turtle Boy - Baker Skateboards, Deathwish, Shake Junt, Altamont, Emerica … the list goes on.

When we got the call inviting us to a private day in Manchester with Emerica's triple threat - Andrew Reynolds, Jerry Hsu & Brian Herman we were stoked and headed up North armed with a ton of questions for each of our guests.

We joined the crew (including Emerica T.M, skate legend Heath Kirchart) for an all-you-can-eat barbecue followed by several pints in Soletech's local boozer. The next day it was up nice and early to show our travelling companions the delights of a full English breakfast before settling down on the Emerica couch for a proper in-depth Q+A with each rider.

There's not enough space here to write about this guys achievements and impact on skateboarding so we'll let the man speak for himself in one of his most revealing interviews to date.

"The Boss" discusses his new Emerica pro shoe, living with Greco at his worst, the Birdhouse days, OCD, his rigorous training regime and even getting paid by Hollywood!

Enjoy the interview then go here to check out Andrew's new Emerica shoe - The Reynolds.

Stay tuned to R1 for upcoming interviews with Emerica pros Brian Herman and Jerry Hsu.

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