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Chico Brenes '7x7' Rough Cut

Feb 2020 by Route One

One trend that shows no signs of abating quite yet (and one that we hope sticks around for the foreseeable future) is the proclivity for skate brands to put out 'rough cuts' of full parts released a month or two earlier. Of course one could approach viewing this behaviour from a cynical angle, noting that this merely doubles the exposure for the cost of one standard edit but, when you're getting 14 minutes of prime Chico Brenes like we are in this instance, you'd have to be a pretty sour faced bugger to be looking at it like that!

From Fort Miley fish tail big flip lines to China Banks shuvits up benches (with Elissa Steamer and Sal Barbier cameos thrown into the mix!) this shows us the sessions and the work behind Chico's brilliant San Francisco based part and reminds us that good style is timeless.

Trends come and go in skateboarding, here's hoping this 'rough cuts' one decides to sack off the "go" part and sticks around for good!

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