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Chris Colbourn ‘We Are Blood’ Remix

Sep 2015 by Route One

Hot on the heels of the release of Ty Evans’ latest opus ‘We are Blood’, it is no surprise to see the increasingly popular phenomenon of the ‘remix’ part taking advantage of the multitude of montages contained within.

Tiago Lemos’ facebook reworking got hundreds of thousands of views before being pulled over copyright issues and now Chris Colbourn’s footage has been neatly repackaged for your viewing pleasure; it might be worth watching this one quickly as we can be sure how long it is going to be staying on line!

Element skateboards' Chris hasn’t ever been the biggest name on his team. When you’re sat alongside the likes of Nyjah, Westgate & Appleyard you’re unlikely to be the centre of attention for long. That may well all be changing in these post ‘We are Blood’ days however and the skating in this remix only serves to prove what a talent the young man from Vermont possesses.

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