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Over 80,000 5 star reviews
Over 80,000 5 star reviews
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Feb 2022 by Route One
What is this and what ties all this footage together? To be honest, apart from the fact it's all footage shot by Hadrien Buhannic, at first we weren't really sure!

There's no one city of focus, no one board brand affiliation - in fact the clip is not sponsored by any particular company at all. It's only when you look closer, specifically at the feet of those involved, that you realise this is all footage from time Hadrien has spent with adidas riders. Not that that makes it an adidas clip per se but it does at least give it a certain coherence and restore some order to the world.

And with it being adidas riders you know you're in for a treat, especially when the first name that pops up is the one and only Gustav Tonnesen! Factor in a bit of Busentiz, SBN and Magnus Bordewick and it's definitely worth a few minutes of your time, so get involved now.

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