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Koston Gets Chromeballed

May 2017 by Route One

Chromeball Incident interview 101? Who else could it be!?! Humorous references to long-defunct board brands run deep amongst the elder statesmen of our beloved pastime and, seeing as though Natas himself was the subject of his own piece back in July '13, it was never going to be any one else taking the honours (well, unless Adam McNatt decided to make a comeback!).

Never one to shy away from turning the skate nerd factor up to eleven, Chops asks the questions that few would ever consider and, as always, the finished article is all the richer for it. Covering everything from Union's 'Right To Skate' video and his move from 101 to Girl, through the birth of the legendary (and 99% made up) Fandangle and finishing with how he hopes the Numbers brand may progress, this is as in depth an interview with The Champ as you're ever likely to find.

Even Koston's dubious ventures into social media and fan interaction are covered; when you've a reputation as stellar and none-sensationalist as Chromeball, the questions other people are afraid to ask finally get answered. If you're going to sit down and read an interview this week, make sure it's this one - nobody has had a career like Frosty and nobody is giving an insight into it like Chops!

Check out the full interview here.

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