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Kyle Walker 'No Other Way' Raw Files

Dec 2016 by Route One

As is custom in 2016, any big video part deserves a raw and unabridged version to be released a couple of weeks later and Kyle Walker's SOTY winning 'No Other Way' section is absolutely no different.

Featuring all the mind blowing rail and gap action from the original piece plus second angles, slams and more; this really gives you the sense of what Kyle achieved with this part and the work involved at every stage of the process. Be it dealing with irate Church elders or skidding 15 feet on freshly swept Chinese granite, Kyle wasn't afraid to graft and history will remember his efforts with perhaps the greatest section of 2016 because of it.

Admittedly some of the theatre is missing when music and editing take not so much a back seat but no seat whatsoever, however this allows the old adage of 'letting the skating do the talking' and Kyles on board prowess certainly does that. This is a long one at nearly ten minutes long so grab yourself a cuppa a couple of pieces of kitchen roll - you're going to need that when you spit your tea out in amazement at just how gnarly Kyle Walker really is.

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