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All the Streets Are Silent

Jun 2021 by Route One
There's an old saying, famously (if somewhat incorrectly) attributed to Sir Isaac Newton, regarding the notion of "standing on the shoulders of giants." You'll see it as an edge inscription on many a two pound coin and it's the perfect metaphor to show how we, as human beings, use the understanding and achievements of those who have gone before us in order to make progress.

Skateboarding is itself perhaps the perfect physical manifestation of this phrase, given we all stand on the metaphorical shoulders of the trailblazers who proved everything possible. Be it the Z-boys skating the first pools, Mullen and his flatground discoveries or Gonz and Natas as they took their tricks to handrails, everything we do now is only because giants of skateboarding decided it was possible and put in the work turning dreams into reality.

'All the Streets are Silent' is the debut feature film from Jeremy Elkin and it charts the convergence of skateboarding and Hip Hop in NYC throughout the late 80's and early 90's, telling the stories of the kids on the street that amalgamated two cultures. As 99.9% of all skate clips on Insta are set to a hip hop soundtrack it's almost impossible to understate the impact the likes of Harold Hunter, Mike Hernandez and others had on the skateboarding world as we know it; we truly are standing on the shoulders of giants.

'All the Streets are Silent' premiere's later this month at the Tribeca film festival and then is released on the 23rd of July. Check out the trailer below now.

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