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Chris Joslin 28mph Bigspin

Oct 2020 by Route One
Yeah, we know, we know. Chris Joslin doing a 28mph bigspin isn't exactly the freshest news. The trick in question took place back in 2017 so why on earth are we referencing it now? Well, the Berrics have just released this retrospective review and it's still so bloomin' mental we couldn't let it slip by (just in case anyone had allowed that to happen with the original clip). 
Now obviously the title kind of gives the game away to the money shot of the video's content; Joslin drops in, pushes as fast as he possibly can and proceeds to backside bigspin in front of Yoon Sul's trusty speed gun. But the reality of the trick is so much more than those few words suggest. Of course the floor is super smooth, so he's hardly gonna tear up his palms like little Tommy Berkins down the local Lidl car park, but so much can go wrong at that kind of pace (as the attempt at 1.45 so very nearly illustrates) so it's testament to Chris' cojones that he was willing to put his feet back on every time!
The fact that, after landing it and clearing a gap that easily looked 20ft, Chris actually wanted to try and get it even faster is the icing on the cake for us. Yeah, it never happened but the desire to push himself even more is the key and that's why he's at the top of his game. Just imagine landing a 28mph bigspin and wanting to try to squeeze out a little more - proper skate rat mentality to the core!

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