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Skateboarding is hard for most of us, I think that's something we can all agree on. There might not be much that connects us on a superficial level these days but skateboarding being really difficult is a universally held perspective, shared across the generations!
Except that, for a tiny minority of people, folk like Jaakko Ojanen, skateboarding might actually be really easy. Don't ask us how; if we knew the secret we'd be out nollie noseblunting Clipper, not entertaining you with this irrelevant nonsense. But the evidence suggests, certainly as far as his video output is concerned, that Element Skateboards' Jaakko finds skateboarding a doddle.
I mean, take his latest part. Little of it makes sense; as a collection of unrelated stunts it truly is spectacular. Never resting in one avenue of manoeuvre possibility, Tampere native Jaakko can manipulate his board any way he wants and seemingly on any obstacle he comes across.
Or maybe it's all AI and skateboarding is still really hard. It certainly felt that way down the park last night!