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New Balance Quids In

Jan 2015 by Route One

In late summer 2014 a select band of New Balance sponsored skateboarders visited the UK for a short residency in Manchester and ventured out around the northern half of the isle.

On hand to document the likes of Arto Saari, Tom Karangelov, Tyler Surrey and Jordan Trahan was master lensman Russell Houghten and the product he has put together, released this week, is simply breathtaking.

Aerial videography over industrial northern towns does not seem like a recipe for cimematographic beauty but Russell has produced one of the most stunning captures of UK skate footage ever seen. The fact that it contains skating from the likes of those mentioned above only serves to make this even more appealing.  Click the image below and take a moment to take this in, it’s bloomin’ great!


Quids In from New Balance Numeric on Vimeo.

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