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Shane Heyl "Vintage"

Apr 2018 by Route One

Lets face it, grip tape is big business. Everyone uses it and if you aren't rocking the classic black Jessup or MOB then you're likely getting lairy with a bit of Grizzly or the daddy of them all, Shake Junt. Most of you will know of the man behind the brand, Shane Heyl and his contribution to skateboarding, but for those of you new to the scene, let us explain a few things...

Though in modern terms his skateboarding isn't anything spectacular, Shane and the Baker boys go well back. Best mates with Reynolds and the crew back in Warner Avenue days, he had a legitimate career of sorts with DLX before the party pretty much took over his life. Twenty years on and now a successful company owner, loud mouth Shane still rips on a board and Thrasher have just released his latest part.

As we said, this is never gonna trouble the likes of Suciu or DVDL in the world beater stakes but for a recovering party fiend pushing 40 this noseslide heavy part is an absolute belter. Though we've never taken life to the excessive levels that Shane has, there's no doubt his turn around is inspiring and we can only hope we're ripping this hard when our fortieth is on the horizon.

Check it out here.

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