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WILDFIRE Unmastered: Aimu

Mar 2025 by Route One

Is Aimu Yamazuki this generation's Wade? PJ perhaps? Or is he a level all of his own? However you may choose to quantify or compare his ability, there's no denying that he is one of the most mesmerising talents in the world today and if his tricks were any cleaner you'd be able to eat your dinner off them!

Coming in at over 25 minutes, this "rough cut" might be tough going if it was anybody else. But with laughter more infectious than a dose of the clap and a style that never falters, even when he misses, the 1532 seconds fly by. 

And that's the rub of it really. Aimu is just so good that even a three song 'Fully Flared' style opus would leave us wanting more. So whilst December's 'Wildfire' was indeed veritable skateboarding perfection, this serves to entertain us for a whole lot longer and we like that. And we reckon you will too!

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