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Best of 2024 Collection
Best of 2024 Collection
Dec 2024 by Route One


Best of 2024: Honeymoon

Wrapping things up for 2024, we had to go for arguably the finest release of the year (honourable mentions to Vans' Where is Tom? and NB's Intervals), Dickies' Honeymoon. A music rights hold-up may have set the release date back a few days but clearance was ultimately granted, meaning the long awaited and much hyped full length went live in mid-September and it has been on constant repeat ever since!

Featuring the kind of line-up that would make a Primitive video feel understaffed, everyone's favourite workwear brand was repped hard in this Joe Face production and it's everything we hoped it would be and more!

Well, that's not strictly true as there wasn't a three song Guy part but, unrealistic dreams aside, this really was a proper full length in the classic sense of the word. As Thrasher themselves wrote "this is one of the most elite teams ever assembled," thus it remains truly mandatory viewing!


Best of 2024: Crazy Wisdom

Let's not kid ourselves, as much as the cool guys and gatekeepers were decrying the handrail "anti-wax" or the enjoyably ostentatious editing of NKA, summer 2024 belonged to one man and one part only; Andy Anderson and his Crazy Wisdom.

At the time we went a bit meta and asked ourselves, "why are we posting Andy Anderson's new part for Powell?" After all, it's not as if you hadn't already seen it; it was the most hyped release of the year and has since amassed nearly 700k views. Was there really any point showcasing something you'd almost certainly already seen?

Well yeah, because this Nigel K Alexander curated masterpiece was absolutely fantastic! And if us resharing it with you today means you watch it again, you'll end up with that big ol' inevitable smile across your chops, and what more do we really want from life than that!?!

Breaking boundaries in so many ways, be it NBD tricks, new techniques to make spots skateable or producing the culmination of a life's work on an iPhone, this was certainly one of the most important parts of the year. Or maybe it wasn't and we're suffering  a fit of the hyperboles. Either way, we enjoyed it and we reckon you probably did too.


Best of 2024: Dae Trip

As March came round and the promise spring started to fill the air, master lensman Jake Harris dropped a project that came completely out of left field; a pairing we'd never considered possible and an ender that still leaves us flummoxed, nearly nine months on.

What do you get if you cross the artistic brilliance of Atlantic Drift, a nod the legendary concept of Rodney vs Daewon and whole heap of unfathomable magic from the feet of Bristolian parkour enthusiast Mike Arnold? adidas' DaeTrip, that's what! A project that could easily have ended up a little disjointed, Jacob curated a Mike Arnold/Daewon Song sandwich that saw a UK based Mike part book-end an enjoyable sliver of time spent stateside in Daewon's company.

Although markedly different in their approaches and physical stature, the grace, creativity and control our protagonist pair showcased had irrefutable parallels. In fact, one would be hard pressed to find such a seemingly disparate yet suitable match-up this side of TV's Wife-swap. And if that reference still goes over your head, just ignore us and give it a rewatch now - everything we've said still pales into insignificance once Mike rides away from his now legendary bicycle trick at Lloyds...


Best of 2024: Jante 9:19

As we sit here (at the time of writing), wondering when Thrasher is gonna pull its finger out and announce the 2024 SOTY, we're reminded that only two things are certain this holiday season; that Mariah Carey's 1994 evergreen classic will be doing your head in well before the Turkey has gabbled its last gobble and that the Route One 'end of year' round up will remind you of something excellent we'd all forgotten about up until two minutes ago.

Kicking off this latest instalment of our annual retrospective, we're taking you back to January 2024. The year was barely a month old and yet Fritte Söderström had already seen fit to tickle our taste buds, offering us a tasty morsal of one of skateboarding's most succulent treats; another Jante video!

Released, as always, in conjunction with Free Magazine, and highlighting the multitude of skate spot gold in Helsinki, Stockholm and Gothenburg, it was almost enough to help us forget about the horrendous weather experienced in those first few weeks of January. A bit like Storm Darragh last week to be honest, so it's fitting we're wrapping up the year relying on the same Jante clip with which to focus our attention once again!

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