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Catching up with Matt Berger

Aug 2017 by Route One

It's three years since we last spoke with Kamloops, BC native Matt and boy has he been through some ups and downs in that period! From the ultimate career high of joining the pro ranks at Flip to the confidence shattering low of 12 months out with major knee surgery, it's safe to say we had plenty to talk about when we caught up with him in Copenhagen the other week.




Thankfully back on his board and killing it harder than ever, Matt was more than happy to talk us through everything the past 36 months have thrown his way. He also gave us more than a little hype for the upcoming Etnies project, explaining not only how stoked he is that it'll be his first part in a "proper" full length video but also bigging up filmer Mike Manzoori and explaining just how great he expects the finished product to be!




The Flip and Etnies pro does a stellar job of kicking off our Copenhagen Pro based interviews and we can safely say we have plenty more where this came from. Check back next week as we continue the series with a quick catch up with Matt's Etnies team mate Trevor McClung, then keep 'em peeled as we reel off a veritable who's who of CPH alumni!


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