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Jordan Thackeray: The Route One Interview

Feb 2020 by Route One

Back in December our boy J-Thaxx turned pro for Lovenskate and, as we said at the time, we couldn't have been more proud. Truth be told we instantly wanted to sit the lad down, give him a big ol' congratulatory hug and chat with him about how sick the whole thing was. Problem is Jordan's a very busy man! Travelling here, there and everywhere as part of the illustrious Team GB and searching out the session, wherever it may be, every day in between - it's almost impossible to track him down!


But track him down we did (eventually) to the cosy front room of Team GB and Lovenskate homie Alex Halford, meaning we were finally able to get this interview with him done!


Obviously the talk flowed for quite some time, you don't get a rep for being one of the friendliest lads in the biz without having those requisite social skills, so we've trimmed this right down to those important topics of the day; turning pro, repping one's country and receiving random nicknames from your stoner mates!


Congrats on the pro board Jordan and fingers crossed for the Olympics, here's hoping you're knocking out late shove nose blunts in Japan before the summer is out!



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