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New Balance 'The Good Land'

Jan 2018 by Route One

What is it about mid-western American edits that appeals to us so? Maybe it's because it's about as far removed from the skateboarding existence the majority of us Brits experience that it holds such a magical appeal. Obviously East Coast footage has that weathered, relatabilty factor any skater on the northern seaboard can empathise with and Cali footage isn't particularly far removed from the sun drenched days most of us have spent in Barcelona. But mid-west rust belt? That's pure Americana and unless you've experienced it first hand there's not really anything else to compare it to.

The latest team to venture deep in land is New Balance and, with Thrasher in tow, they've managed to produce one of the most enjoyably raw videos we've seen in quite some time!

Featuring man of the moment Frankie Villani, plus the classic names of Chad Tim Tim, Levi Brown, Davis Torgerson and more, this crew runs deep and brings their pure A-game to the table. Though middle America may well be struggling to find its place in the economic downturn of the post Neo Liberal landscape, it's architecture provides an amazing back drop for the touring skateboarder. And as we're in the skateboarding game, not the geopolitical one, we're gonna focus on the positives and say it produces one hell of a skate clip; that's something we can all enjoy!

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