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Nick Trapasso Life Extension Part!

Jul 2014 by Route One

In this brand new full length section, the starting point of ‘Life Extension’ week over on the Thrasher website, it’s actually hard to tell the clips that have been excessively slo-mo’d from the ones where Converse sponsored Nick is actually floating like a Jedi!

Even before his breakout part in Toy Machine’s 2006 release ‘Suffer the Joy’ Nick was well on the radar in terms of the skate industry. In fact, if you trawl the youtube archives you’ll be able to his appearance in Jay Strickland’s Bootleg 3000 video from 2003 and see that his ‘asleep at the wheel’ style so many people are biting these days, is as natural as it comes.

Talking of style, we doubt anyone since the late Keenan Milton could knock out a switch flip as nice as the one in the opening line in this; please excuse us whilst we sit here and watch it on repeat for the next week…

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