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Numbers Edition 4 / Magnus Bordewick

Apr 2018 by Route One

If you were lucky enough to catch the adidas 'Skate Copa Court' event in London last summer you'll have witnessed first hand the immense power in Magnus Bordewick's skateboarding. However, even if you didn't make it down to Shoreditch, you will have certainly seen his Instagram-breaking shuvit flip up that Berlin 5 set and you'll know this lad is a beast!

Numbers, Eric Koston and Guy Mariano's start-up board brand, are back again with their latest release and, much like the amazing Miles Silvas centric 'Edition 3,' this latest installment concentrates on one particular rider. Yep, you guessed it; high poppin' Magnus and his insane brand of Norwegian shredding!

Looking like he's ready for an evening of drinking White Lightning and smashing up a few bus shelters, sportswear fan Magnus brings some seriously fast tech to the table in this short but sweet part and lands perhaps the greatest fakie heel of all time. We can also confirm he improves upon that infamous shuvit flip so you know this clip is defo worth your attention!

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