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Remember about three months ago when that guy came seemingly outta nowhere to nollie backside flip Wallenberg and did it in one glove, looking like some kind of NBD serving Michael Jackson? Yeah, well that lad was Real Skateboards' Toby Ryan and he now has a part out for Venture Trucks.Showing the world that he has way more to his game than just hucking (though nobody could be disappointed if hucking was his only skill, given the immense severity of his industry shattering Wallenberg huck) Toby mixes up the street furniture with a whole host of stunts that make you sit up and take notice (as if Wallenberg hadn't already done that!).With wallie grinds and access ramp leaps, Venture showcase Toby's multitude of skills as well as the superior grind qualities of their produce. As far as truck company adverts go, this is blooming enjoyable. And with a talent as obvious as Toby's, we reckon there'll be plenty more to come from this partnership yet!