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Tony Hawk Breaks Down Skateboarding Cinema

Dec 2019 by Route One

This has gotta be a first! Not the fact it's Tony Hawk of course; we've certainly posted enough from him in our time. No, what we're surprised about is watching a piece from GQ and finding it entertaining enough to want to share it with you!

The concept is simple; skateboarding has been appearing in cinema for over thirty years, so who better to break it down (certainly as far as mainstream media is concerned) than the Birdman? From critiquing the grab continuity errors in Grind to behind the scenes nuggets of gold from Police Academy 4 and Gleaming the Cube, Tony discusses famous moments from skateboarding's dalliances with the silver screen and lets the none skating public know how we feel about our representation. 

And the best thing is none of this is rushed. It may be nearly a decade and a half since TMZ launched and we've lived through nine years of Instagram but it seems content creators are starting to become aware that sometimes we appreciate something a little more in-depth to get our teeth into. And this is exactly that; thirty three minutes of passion, irreverence and (sometimes) some beautifully nerdy explanations. This really is great!

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