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Adidas Skate Copa: The Route One Interviews

Jul 2017 by Route One

As you've probably seen due to the none stop social media onslaught of the past few weeks, select members of the global adidas team were in the UK on the 24th June, not only to skate the Shoreditch hosted 'Skate Copa Court' event on Sunday but also to take in a secret Southbank sesh the day before. As is the case with skateboarders young and old, sponsored and not, the idea of playing about on some legendary street furniture with your mates is far too rad an idea to pass up! 

Sunday's 'Skate Copa Court,' it's safe to say, went off with an absolute bang. Benny Fairfax's signature obstacle provided hours of entertainment for the team and UK skateboarders alike. Video evidence of the adidas crew's straight up merking can be witnessed below (take special note of Sour Skateboards' Gustav Tonnesen; most of that is switch...). Highlights from the demo included Gustav Tonnesen killing the kicker to flat with his nonchalant style that only he could stick (that switch Tre!), Magus with his big pop and high speed lines round the park, Miles making it look way too easy and much more!
Be sure to check out the edit now below and be on the lookout for more from our trip to London in the near future.

Saturday was an altogether more subdued affair with the likes of Diego Najera, Magnus Borderwick, Gustav Tonessen and Blondey McCoy spending a good four or five hours cruising the hallowed slabs of the Undercroft, focusing not on performing hammers, simply enjoying the afternoon in the company of friends. That's not to say tricks weren't landed (this is the adidas team after all!) and obviously we were on hand to capture the best of what went down. Luckily for you we've wrapped it up into a quick and easily digestible Youtube package so press play and take a look for yourself!

Diego Najera: The Route One Interview

Primitive Skateboards' Diego Najera is hot property right now, no two ways about it! Fresh from having joined the adidas skate programme in January, followed by his bump up to the Primitive pro ranks at the start of Feb, we caught up with the young man from Los Centro, California for the first of our summertime series of exclusive adidas interviews! 

Talking freely about everything from his appreciation of the English countryside to the importance of his brothers involvement in his love of skateboarding, Diego doesn't hold back in this, his most comprehensive interview to date. 

Jake Donnelly: The Route One Interview

Following on from our exclusive interview with Diego Najera, we managed to grab some time with East Coast powerhouse and Real Skateboards' representative Jake Donnelly. 

Born and raised in Buffalo, NY and no stranger to the graft of a proper job, it was an absolute pleasure to be able to catch up with with the man to discuss everything from getting on adidas to his tenure with Deluxe and, along the way, somehow managing to bring the topic round second hand experiences with the most haunted cemetery in North America!

Check out how the conversation went down below...

Miles Silvas: The Route One Interview

Numbers Skateboards' Sacramento connection Miles Silvas is the next adidas representative to get the 'Skate Copa Court' interview treatment and we're proud to share the results of our conversations with you now.

Covering the usual questions regarding brand involvement, right through to our interrogation regarding the pitfalls of section filming in a reality TV environment, LRG ripper Miles is the consummate professional throughout. Ever happy to respond to our increasingly inquisitive whim, he answers everything you could possibly want to know with the grace of a man who knows his own mind and knows where he comes from.



Stay tuned next week as we wrap up this series with enjoi associated Los Gatos native Nestor Judkins as we push him on all things Tilt Mode -  even getting confirmation of Louie Barletta's age, though we're sworn to secrecy with that one on the pain of death, so don't expect us to be releasing that info any time soon!

Nestor Judkins: The Route One Interview

 Wrapping up our exclusive series of 'Skate Copa Court' themed series of adidas interviews is enjoi Skateboards pro and Los Gatos native Nestor Judkins.

 Ever the gentleman, Nestor discusses travelling the world, experiencing the joys of the Tilt Mode army first hand and much, much more. Few people are lucky enough to be born with the effortless style that can turn the simplest of tricks into a thing of absolute beauty, even fewer are fortunate enough to grow up with the likes of Marc Johnson and Louie Barletta as patrons of their local skate shop!

 Though he may have started his career with Santa Cruz, Nestor was always destined for the fun time crew of enjoi; his legendary adidas Stan Smith skit is testament to his sense of humour and his many stellar parts tell the story of his on board ability. Click play to see the thinking man's skateboarder talk about everything you ever wanted to know then keep those peepers peeled; this certainly isn't the last interview we've got in store for you this summer!

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