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New Eniz Fazliov!

May 2017 by Route One

Free Magazine, much like we attempted to explain with Elliot Sloan, straddles an awkward position in the industry. In a day and age where the world is made smaller by technology, the idea of pan European coverage seems a no brainer. Sadly the reality means most of you care about the immediate surroundings of your local scene and then niche aspects of the American market, so readily available to interact with through various forms of social media. This is pretty much uniform throughout the world so why would anyone care about some guy they've never heard of in a country they'll never visit doing tricks they can't relate to? Well, sometimes those guys are rad enough for you to actually sit up and pay attention!

Euro Emerica representative and Frank Skateboards ripper Eniz Fazliov is one of those guys. Euro scene aficionados have been well aware of his talent for a very long time now so, if his name is new to you, we reckon it's right about time you got yourselves acquainted!

With dual Finnish/Macedonian heritage, Eniz is the type of dude who could easily rule the skate world if he'd chosen that route; the skills he's displayed over the past decade have proven him to be at the very top of the game and, once again, this section doesn't disappoint. So, regardless of the fact he's neither knocking out nollie flips down your local or chilling with Andy Schrock at the Shredquarters, his skateboarding is wholly deserving of your attention.

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