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SLS London Re-cap

May 2018 by Route One

Well, what a weekend that was! Yuto took home the title, hundreds of kids got to meet their idols and London once again proved itself more than worthy of holding events on the biggest stage. SLS London was a roaring success!


By now you've surely seen the final and all the highlights; it was on the BBC after all. The BBC! Skateboarding! How mad is that!?! However, what you didn't see, and what we probably enjoyed most of all, was the early morning warm up that saw the likes of Mark Suciu, Jamie Foy, Chris Joslin, Shane O'Neill, Ishod Wair, Tory Pudwill, Tiago Lemos, Felipe Gustavo and more tinkering around the course and landing wayyy more stuff than went down in the finals. Maybe that has a little something to do with the majority of them not qualifying but that's why we like the practice bit best!

The course, as you well know, certainly suited the more technical side of skateboarding and that, combined with a complete absence of pressure that performing in front of a live audience brings, meant that all your favourite pro's were able to enjoy themselves and really shine. You wanna see the best of SLS London? We've got it for you right here!

Also keep an for further SLS based output from us over the coming days, we have a few things up our sleeve that really are rather special...

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