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adidas Blender: The Route One Interviews

Dec 2018 by Route One

Last month we got the opportunity to sit down with a couple of the adidas  Global Pro snow team riders whilst they were over in the UK checking out some of our snow domes and premiering new adidas release Blender in London.




Tommy Gesme, fresh from being turned pro for adidas at the global premiere of the movie Blender, was first up to answer a few questions we had for him. We hit him up to find out how the new movie concept came about, where they filmed, who also features in the movie and much more!

Second up was the one and only Louif Paradis! Louif, still just about in his 20s, has already made a huge impact in street snowboarding throughout his career and continues to do so in award winning video projects. Taking to the streets in his own unique, super stylish way, Louif is constantly looking for new ways to ride urban and natural terrain like never before. We chat with Louif to dive deeper into past projects, future projects and to find about more about the legendary Quebecois!



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