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Jiro Platt 'Time Travelling'

Jan 2022 by Route One

The concept of the child prodigy, the wunderkind or the flying foetus is nothing new in skateboarding. From Tony Hawk turning pro at 14 to Sky Brown winning Olympic bronze a year younger, the history of skateboarding is littered with juvenile participants making waves and breaking ground. And that shouldn't really come as any surprise; as much as those of us who have cast aside school time garms and transcended into adulthood may wish to ignore, a skateboard is essentially a kid's toy so it makes sense there are gonna be some young un's that are seriously talented at it!

And that's where Manhattan local Jiro Platt comes in. Barely tall enough to ride a rollercoaster and certainly too young to play the lottery, Jiro has been busy cementing himself as a fixture in the NYC scene and his constant ripping has been rewarded with this standalone part for Thrasher.

Mixing legitimately treacherous (but hugely fashionable) ride on grinds with his penchant for handrails, Nike SB and Habitat backed Jiro brings the big boy tricks despite his diminutive stature; the rise of the boy wonder continues!

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