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Sour Files: Ep.14

Oct 2019 by Route One

Can you believe Transworld's Sour Files, the serialisation of raw clips from Sour Skateboards' The Sour Solution II, is up to episode 14? Fourteen! That's mental it's been going so long!

To be fair, we aren't going to complain about anything that affords us more opportunity to witness the wizard-like brilliance of the one and only Gustav Tonnessen. Even if it's countless fakie tre 5050's we'll lap it up with careless abandon; the lad is just so mesmerising to watch (also, in case you haven't seen it, defo check out last week's Thrasher Plazacation: Mallorca vid 'coz Gustav's lines will blow your mind!).

Of course, being the modest human he is, Gustav never takes the bulk of the footage so there's plenty of raw clips from a number of your other Sour sponsored favourites; Essex local Barney Page's bar-duck 360 merl is mental and Nisse Ingemarsson's dark slide gap dark slide will initiate cognative dissonance in all but the most ardent of freestylers. 

At this rate Transworld can keep going until episode 114 for all we care. We'll keep on enjoying 'em as long as they keep releasing 'em!

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