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Chickity China

Apr 2018 by Route One

There's a backside 180 fakie nose wheelie in this (and yeah, it's a fakie nose wheelie, not a switch manny) that illustrates why Kenny Anderson should be firmly planted in your 'Top five dudes (to make skateboarding look beautiful) ever' list. 


Featuring select members of the Girl and Chocolate squads performing a demo and hitting up some Chinese street, the rest of this ten minute clip is thoroughly entertaining (and mightily impressive on occasion), but it's Las Vegas native Kenny's effortlessly alluring manual combo at one minute and ten seconds that has really set our world alight.

Sure, it's great to see Malto back to full confidence and any Rick Howard sighting, no matter how fleeting, is always a treat, but few things in life are as flawless as Kenny's execution of this one seemingly simple balance manoeuvre. So click play, watch technique put into action and the replay that brilliance over and over in your mind; skateboarding doesn't get better than this one moment so savour and cradle it like a mother with her new born. This is perfection.

Check it out here.

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