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Getting Creative With Curvy Curbs

Jan 2014 by Route One

Modern skate media is such that every day clips of major names are released. We could fill up this email ten times over with mainstream stuff that would blow your minds but might not really inspire you.

So, for that reason, we try to look about a bit; perhaps find something a bit different. Sometimes it may be the way somebody skates or it could be a lesser exposed scene; this week it’s a guy that has actually thought about his skating and built some easy to make yet super rad curvy curbs, then shredded the fudge out of ‘em.

Andy Vasquez may make furniture by day and therefore have a bit of a head start when it comes to knocking stuff up but, if nothing else, this clip illustrates just how much fun you and you mates can have building and messing about – for that reason this is probably our favourite clip of the week.

Curved Parking Blocks with Andy Vasquez from Max Zahradnik on Vimeo.

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